It removes one of the major pieces that the government uses to take away constitutional rights. Also saves tax payers billions of dollars.
No one can possibly be this stupid. No one. Stop trolling.
Or, better yet, MOVE TO A CITY THAT ABOLISHES ITS POLICE FORCE. You'll soon get a whole new perception of "losing your constitutional rights."
Lot of dead cops doing that
I have a solution swimming in logic that would never ever be considered. But why not here we go.
All police force wear stun guns only. No bullet guns. If you kill a police officer its the death penalty no questions asked you fry like a pig. Any questions?
I love the idea of the government being stopped from using lead bullets against citizens, especially when they so often use them against people who have done nothing wrong. Unfortunately, the government too often goes against the constitution and kills people with choke holds and knees. We should not give people special privileges just because they are a government official. We need equality, which liberals have taken away from our country. When someone in the government kills a citizen, it needs to be treated the same as any other killing. We need to end pig privilege.